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What a Data Router/Loader is and why you need it!

· 7 min read
Caelan Sayler
Velopack Co-Founder

In the last year we've seen a shift in react-router and @tanstack-router towards the idea of a "Data Router" or "Loader" which allows you to strongly tie your data fetching directly to your router. There are some benefits and drawbacks to this approach, but overall if it's done well it can result in a very measurable improvement to user experience.

Portable SymbolicLink in .NET

· 11 min read
Caelan Sayler
Velopack Co-Founder

Due to .app bundles on OSX requiring me to preserve internal symlinks in Velopack, I've had to work on a cross-platform and cross-framework implementation for handling symlinks.

If you're only targeting .NET 6 and higher, you can stop reading here - because there's already great support in the framework via FileSystemInfo.LinkTarget, Directory.CreateSymbolicLink and other built-in methods.

If you need to target the Full .Net Framework, then read on...

A developer's deployment nightmare

· 5 min read
Caelan Sayler
Velopack Co-Founder

In the world of software development, crafting the application is only half the battle. The other half? Getting your hard work onto the devices of users, which, let me tell you, is easier said than done. For those of us who have wrestled with the tangled web of software distribution, the headaches are all too familiar. It's like you're expected to be a jack-of-all-trades, mastering not one, not two, but a myriad of update frameworks and installers, each as diverse as the platforms and languages they cater to.