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GithubSource Constructors

Declaring Type: GithubSource
Namespace: Velopack.Sources
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

public GithubSource(string repoUrl, string accessToken, bool prerelease, IFileDownloader downloader = null);


repoUrl string

The URL of the GitHub repository to download releases from (e.g.

accessToken string

The GitHub access token to use with the request to download releases. If left empty, the GitHub rate limit for unauthenticated requests allows for up to 60 requests per hour, limited by IP address.

prerelease bool

If true, pre-releases will be also be searched / downloaded. If false, only stable releases will be considered.

downloader IFileDownloader

The file downloader used to perform HTTP requests.

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