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IUpdateSource.GetReleaseFeed Method

Declaring Type: IUpdateSource
Namespace: Velopack.Sources
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

Retrieve the list of available remote releases from the package source. These releases can subsequently be downloaded with DownloadReleaseEntry(ILogger, VelopackAsset, string, Action<int>, CancellationToken).

public Task<VelopackAssetFeed> GetReleaseFeed(ILogger logger, string channel, Guid? stagingId = null, VelopackAsset latestLocalRelease = null);


logger ILogger

The logger to use for any diagnostic messages.

channel string

Release channel to filter packages by. Can be null, which is the default channel for this operating system.

stagingId Nullable<Guid>

A persistent user-id, used for calculating whether a specific release should be available to this user or not. (eg, for the purposes of rolling out an update to only a small portion of users at a time).

latestLocalRelease VelopackAsset

The latest / current local release. If specified, metadata from this package may be provided to the remote server (such as package id, or cpu architecture) to ensure that the correct package is downloaded for this user.



An array of ReleaseEntry objects that are available for download and are applicable to this user.

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