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UpdateManager.DownloadUpdatesAsync Method

Declaring Type: UpdateManager
Namespace: Velopack
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

Downloads the specified updates to the local app packages directory. If the update contains delta packages and ignoreDeltas=false, this method will attempt to unpack and prepare them. If there is no delta update available, or there is an error preparing delta packages, this method will fall back to downloading the full version of the update. This function will acquire a global update lock so may fail if there is already another update operation in progress.

public Task DownloadUpdatesAsync(UpdateInfo updates, Action<int> progress = null, bool ignoreDeltas = false, CancellationToken cancelToken = default);


updates UpdateInfo

The updates to download. Should be retrieved from CheckForUpdates().

progress Action<int>

The progress callback. Will be called with values from 0-100.

ignoreDeltas bool

Whether to attempt downloading delta's or skip to full package download.

cancelToken CancellationToken

An optional cancellation token if you wish to stop this operation.



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