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ShellLink.Open Method

Declaring Type: ShellLink
Namespace: Velopack.Windows
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e


Open(string)Loads a shortcut from the specified file
Open(string, IntPtr, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags)Loads a shortcut from the specified file, and allows flags controlling the UI behaviour if the shortcut's target isn't found to be set.
Open(string, IntPtr, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags, ushort)Loads a shortcut from the specified file, and allows flags controlling the UI behaviour if the shortcut's target isn't found to be set. If no SLR_NO_UI is specified, you can also specify a timeout.


Loads a shortcut from the specified file

public void Open(string linkFile);


linkFile string

The shortcut file (.lnk) to load

Open(string, IntPtr, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags)

Loads a shortcut from the specified file, and allows flags controlling the UI behaviour if the shortcut's target isn't found to be set.

public void Open(string linkFile, IntPtr hWnd, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags resolveFlags);


linkFile string

The shortcut file (.lnk) to load

hWnd IntPtr

The window handle of the application's UI, if any

resolveFlags ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags

Flags controlling resolution behaviour

Open(string, IntPtr, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags, ushort)

Loads a shortcut from the specified file, and allows flags controlling the UI behaviour if the shortcut's target isn't found to be set. If no SLR_NO_UI is specified, you can also specify a timeout.

public void Open(string linkFile, IntPtr hWnd, ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags resolveFlags, ushort timeOut);


linkFile string

The shortcut file (.lnk) to load

hWnd IntPtr

The window handle of the application's UI, if any

resolveFlags ShellLink.EShellLinkResolveFlags

Flags controlling resolution behaviour

timeOut ushort

Timeout if SLR_NO_UI is specified, in ms.

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