📄️ Overview
To integrate Velopack into your application, you must initialise the Velopack as early as possible in app startup, and you should add update checking code somewhere.
📄️ App Hooks
Hooks allow your application to run logic at various stages of the install/update/uninstall process.
📄️ Preserving Files & Settings
Your application binary files get completely replaced during updates, so you should not store important files in the same directory as your application binary files.
📄️ Release Notes
It is possible to store release notes (Markdown) in update packages and access it while Updating. This could be useful, for example, to show a user a list of changes before downloading a update.
📄️ Windows Shortcuts
By default, during installation Velopack will create a shortcut on the Desktop and in the StartMenuRoot. It will automatically delete any shortcuts it finds when uninstalling the application.
📄️ Switching Channels
By default, UpdateManager will try and search for releases in the same channel that it was built for. You can read more about packaging channels here. So normally, you should not provide a channel at all to the UpdateManager constructor.