📄️ Overview
Packaging a release is accomplished with the pack command in Velopack. Regardless of your operating system, the common required arguments are roughly the same.
📄️ Bootstrapping
Install .NET, vcredist, webview2, and more while installing Velopack applications on Windows using the --framework / -f argument.
📄️ Release Channels
Channels is a fundemental part of how Velopack understands and builds releases. Every release must belong to a channel. If you do not specify a channel when building a release (via the --channel) argument, the default channel will be the name of the target Operating System (eg. win, osx, or linux).
📄️ Cross Compiling
Compiling releases for a OS different for the one you are using.
📄️ Delta Updates
Delta updates provide speedy updates for even the biggest of applications.
📄️ Installers
Velopack takes a relatively light-touch when it comes to installers, so there is not a lot of customisation available like you would find in other installation frameworks. This is the tradeoff Velopack makes to ensure that the developer/user experience is as fast and easy as possible.
🗃️ Operating Systems
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📄️ Supported Runtime / OS
Similar to how you provide a RID to dotnet to designate your target operating system and architecture, you can do the same for Velopack to tell it what your application supports.
📄️ Code Signing
Code signing is an essential part of application distribution. On Windows, applications without code signatures are likely to be flagged as viruses. On OSX, codesigning and Notarization is required before your application can be run by users.