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Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType Enum

Declaring Type: Runtimes
Namespace: Velopack.Windows
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.1053+0cec039

Dotnet Runtime SKU

public enum Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType
Runtime = 1,
AspNetCore = 2,
WindowsDesktop = 3,
Sdk = 4

Inheritance: object → ValueType → Enum → Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType


AspNetCoreThe The ASP.NET Core Runtime enables you to run existing web/server applications
RuntimeThe .NET Runtime contains just the components needed to run a console app
SdkThe .NET SDK contains all other runtimes and tools necessary for developing dotnet applications
WindowsDesktopThe .NET Desktop Runtime enables you to run existing Windows desktop applications

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