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Runtimes.RuntimeInfo Class

Declaring Type: Runtimes
Namespace: Velopack.Windows
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

Base type containing information about a runtime in relation to the current operating system

public abstract class Runtimes.RuntimeInfo

Inheritance: object → Runtimes.RuntimeInfo


DisplayNameThe human-friendly name of this runtime - for displaying to users
IdThe unique Id of this runtime. Can be used to retrieve a runtime instance with GetRuntimeByName(string)


CheckIsInstalled()Check if a runtime compatible with the current instance is installed on this system
CheckIsSupported()Check if this runtime is supported on the current system
DownloadToFile(string, Action<int>, IFileDownloader, ILogger)Download the latest installer for this runtime to the specified file
GetDownloadUrl()Retrieves the web url to the latest compatible runtime installer exe
GetHashCode()The unique hash code of this runtime
InvokeInstaller(string, bool, ILogger)Execute a runtime installer at a local file path. Typically used after DownloadToFile(string, Action<int>, IFileDownloader, ILogger)
ToString()The unique string representation of this runtime

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