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Runtimes.RuntimeInstallResult Enum

Declaring Type: Runtimes
Namespace: Velopack.Windows
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

Runtime installation result code

public enum Runtimes.RuntimeInstallResult
InstallSuccess = 0,
UserCancelled = 1602,
AnotherInstallInProgress = 1618,
RestartRequired = 3010,
SystemDoesNotMeetRequirements = 5100

Inheritance: object → ValueType → Enum → Runtimes.RuntimeInstallResult


AnotherInstallInProgressThe install failed because another install is in progress, try again later
InstallSuccessThe install was successful
RestartRequiredThe install failed because a system restart is required before continuing
SystemDoesNotMeetRequirementsThe install failed because the current system does not support this runtime (outdated/unsupported)
UserCancelledThe install failed because it was cancelled by the user

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