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Getting Started: Rust

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Get started with our official cross-platform Rust Crate.


To find the most accurate documentation for Rust please visit

Quick Start

  1. Add Velopack to your Cargo.toml:
velopack = { version = "0.0", features = ["async"] } # Replace with actual version and desired features
  1. Add the following code to your main() function:
use velopack::*;

fn main() {
// VelopackApp should be the first thing to run, in some circumstances it may terminate/restart the process to perform tasks.
// Your other app startup code here
  1. Add auto-updates somewhere to your app:
use velopack::*;

fn update_my_app() {
let source = sources::HttpSource::new("");
let um = UpdateManager::new(source, None, None).unwrap();

if let UpdateCheck::UpdateAvailable(updates) = um.check_for_updates().unwrap() {
// there was an update available. Download it.
um.download_updates(&updates, None).unwrap();

// download completed, let's restart and update
  1. Build your app with cargo:
cargo build --release
  1. Install the vpk command line tool:
dotnet tool update -g vpk

Note: you must have the .NET Core SDK 8 installed to use and update vpk

  1. Package your Velopack release / installers:
vpk pack -u MyAppUniqueId -v 1.0.0 -p /target/release -e myexename.exe

✅ You're Done! Your app now has auto-updates and an installer. You can upload your release to your website, or use the vpk upload command to publish it to the destination of your choice.

Read the Velopack documentation at for more information.