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Runtimes.DotnetInfo.GetDotNetDownloadUrl Method

Declaring Type: Runtimes.DotnetInfo
Namespace: Velopack.Windows
Assembly: Velopack
Assembly Version: 0.0.626+6f1a94e

Get download url for a specific version of dotnet. Version must be an absolute version, such as one returned by GetLatestDotNetVersion(Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType, string, IFileDownloader). cpuarch should be either 'x86', 'x64', or 'arm64'.

public static string GetDotNetDownloadUrl(Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType runtimeType, string version, string cpuarch);


runtimeType Runtimes.DotnetRuntimeType

version string

cpuarch string



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