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Getting Started: JS / Electron

Applies to

Get started with our NPM package for JS & Electron.

If you are using pure nodejs and bundling your app using pkg or similar you can ignore Electron-specific steps.

  1. Add Velopack to your package.json:

    npm install velopack
  2. Add the following code to your entry point (eg. index.js) as early as possible (before any electron startup code etc.):

    const { VelopackApp } = require('velopack');

    // Velopack builder needs to be the first thing to run in the main process.
    // In some cases, it might quit/restart the process to perform tasks.;

    // ... your other app startup code here
  3. Add auto-updates somewhere to your app:

    const { UpdateManager } = require('velopack');

    async function updateApp()
    const um = new UpdateManager();

    const updateInfo = await um.checkForUpdatesAsync();
    if (!updateInfo) {
    return; // no update available

    await um.downloadUpdatesAsync(updateInfo.targetFullRelease, p => {
    console.log(`progress: ${p}%`);

  4. If you are using electron/forge, you will need to add an asar unpack rule:

    module.exports = {
    packagerConfig: {
    asar: {
    // velopack contains native binaries which must remain unpacked
    unpack: '**/node_modules/velopack/**',
  5. Compile your app to a binary (eg. .exe on Windows). Example using electron forge:

    npx electron-forge package
  6. Install the vpk command line tool:

    dotnet tool update -g vpk

    You must have the .NET Core SDK 6 installed to use and update vpk

  7. Package your Velopack release / installers:

    vpk pack -u MyAppUniqueId -v 1.0.0 -p /myBuildDir -e myexename.exe

✅ You're Done! Your app now has auto-updates and an installer. You can upload your release to your website, or use the vpk upload command to publish it to the destination of your choice.